Sunday 8 May 2011

that morning feeling

well again i am awake after 5 hours of restless sleep if you can call it sleep i would call it laying in bed trying to get comfortable only to get snatches of unconsciousness until i could take it no longer. my head feels full of helium today i know this feeling i would get this feeling a lot before i started the started taking the diamox or the topamax i know tonight i am in for a bumpy ride and it is not migraine but we shall see. i think this is what some of the girls on the haven mean when they say that it takes a long time but you learn the difference between the feeling of high pressure and migraine. i have not had this expanding head sensation since the lumbar puncture. it is the exact feeling you get when you are on gas and air and i hate it. don't get me wrong the first time it happened i thought it was fascinating quite a buzz until the headache started and i passed out and every thing started to flicker like the light bulb is about to blow constantly and then it didn't go away they that pressure builds up so much that you'r sick.

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